Thursday, April 1, 2010

mySQL server setup tips

To "make the connection" between mySQL and Razor you need to download mySQL server (I am using 5.5) and install it. Configure your instance of MySQL using the menu option (in the start menu under MySQL, MySQL server 5.5, Server Instance Config Wizard.

Here are some oif the options I used:
Detailed configuration
Developer Machine
Non-Transactional Database Only
Manual Setting
Concurrent connections: 15
Enable TCP/IP Networking
Port Number 3306
Enable Strict Mode
Standard Character Set
Check Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH
****This next step is important***
Modify Security Settings
Current root password:  - this should be left blank
New root password:  if you wish to set a password for the "root" user ID enter it here
Confirm: Re-enter the password if you entered a new root password
Execute - Make sure the Start Service on this steps completes successfully

Once this is done you can install razor and make the connection to the MySQL server instance you just configured.

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