Sunday, April 25, 2010

Condition table question

We have a question about the Condition table. We noticed that in the old "spreadsheet" version of the data, there are 8 Condition columns. Which of the following does this mean?
1. A patient can have multiple conditions simultaneously
2. A patient can have one condition at a time and we are simply keeping track of the history

We just wanted to clear this up because it doesn't really make sense for a patient to for example be both "stable" and "critical" at the same time.

If it is option 2, should we have functionality in the UI to see a history of conditions with an associated date for each patient? Or leave this for future work?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A patient can have multiple conditions simultaneously. Initially, 8 was decided as the max but decided the number should not be limited. Stable and/or critical are not appropriate conditions. These describe conditions a patient is in during their visit, such as "bare foot".
